Dr. Charis Mesaritakis
Charis Mesaritakis: has received his BS degree in Informatics by the department of Informatics & Telecommunications of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens in 2004. From the same insitution he received the MSc in Microelectronics, whereas in 2011 he received his Ph.D degree on the field of quantum dot devices and systems for next generation optical networks, by the photonic technology & optical communication laboratory of the same institution. In 2012 he was awarded a European scholarship for post-doctoral studies (Marie Curie FP7-PEOPLE IEF) in the joint research facilities of Alcatel-Thales-Lucent in Paris-France, focusing on LIDAR and intra-satellite communications.In 2014 he received the G. Latsis national scholarship (scientific studies 2014) for post-doctoral studies in the optical communication laboratory in the University of Athens, where he worked on artificial intelligence schemes and signal processing based on photonic structures. In 2018 he received the ELIDEK national scholarship for Post-Doctoral Fellows targeting the design and realization of quantum-dot driven subsystem for the realization of photonic computational schemes based on ultra-fast optical neurons and the reservoir-computing paradigm.​ He has actively participated as research engineer/technical suprvisor in more than 10 EU-funded research programs (FP6-FP7-H2020) targeting excellence in the field of broadband communications, cyber-physical security and photonic integration. He is the author and co-author of more than 50 papers in highly cited peer reviewed international journals and conferences, two international book chapters, whereas he is serving as a regular reviewer for IEEE, OSA, AIP and Springer.
Currently, he has been elected associate Professor at the Dept. Of Informatics & Communication System Engineering at the University of the Aegean (GR), where he is lecturing and working on high-bandwidth systems, whereas he also works as a senior researcher at the Photonic Technology Laboratory at the Dept. Informatics & Telecommunications of National & Kapodistrian University of Athens.
Dr. Dimitris Syvridis
Has obtained a BSc in Physics (1982), an MSc in Telecommunications (1984) and a PhD in Physics (1988). From 1988-1990 he was Researcher at the Electronics Laboratory of the National and Kapodestrian University of Athens; from 1990-1993 he was Researcher at the Institute of Quantum Electronics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich); from 1993-1997 he was Senior Researcher at the Department of Informatics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens; He is currently Professor at the Department of Informatics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He has more than 250 publications in scientific journals and conference proceedings. He is also a reviewer for journals of the IEEE. He is/was involved in a number of European projects, such as STREP PICASSO, STREP WAPITI, FET OCCULT, FP7 PHASORS, FP7 FAST-DOT, FP7 On-wings, FP7 DOGGIES, FP7 CLARITY etc. His main research activities are in the fields of semiconductor optoelectronics, nonlinear properties of photonic devices, optical communication systems, photonic sensing and electronic processing of optical signals.
Scientific Advisor
Dr. Maria Ana Cataluna
I have been passionately committed to ultrafast lasers and photonic systems since I was an undergraduate student at the Instituto Superior Técnico (Portugal), where I obtained a Physics Engineering degree and worked as a junior research assistant. Afterwards I completed my PhD in Physics at the University of St Andrews and then moved to the University of Dundee as a post-doctoral researcher. A year after my PhD graduation, I was awarded a Royal Academy of Engineering/EPSRC Research Fellowship and appointed to a Lectureship at the University of Dundee, being subsequently promoted to Senior Lecturer and Reader. I moved to Heriot-Watt University in August 2016.
I currently hold an ERC Starting Grant (UPTIME). I have been previously awarded the Philip Leverhulme Prize (2012-2015), the Royal Academy of Engineering/EPSRC Research Fellowship (2009-2014), the IEEE Photonics Society Graduate Student Fellowship (2007) and an International PhD Studentship from FCT, the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (2003-2007).
I am part of the Editorial Board for Scientific Reports and serve as a Guest Editor for the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (Semiconductor Lasers issue). I’m also the Chair of the Semiconductor Lasers sub-committee for CLEO-Europe since 2014.